Wednesday, April 30, 2008

hot banana or is it "gone banana"

a malaysian is not a malaysian if he does not know hot banana or in malay "pisang goreng" and for foreigners who had been to malaysia, mentioning about pisang goreng make their mouths water....and to those who intend to visit malaysia, please do not forget to get one.
pisang goreng actually means fried banana, but here, it refers to hot banana.
what about banana? well, everyone knows banana, even our cousins the monkeys know what banana is. oh yes, monkeys do love banana..and anyone who feels like becoming one(monkey) or acts like one is refered asd going banana.
well...i am out of idea and it's 2:06 am and i had had only 3 hours sleep since.....
excuse me....i am going downstair to have my banana........

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